

 Historic Resource Its Story Outcome
Winski Drugs (1914)1 Former store of pharmacist Frank Winski, the unofficial “mayor” of the South End and one of Stamford’s first Polish American entrepreneurs, marks the rise of this large and important community in the twentiethcentury city. Threatened by demolition to widen an intersection, HNP and members of the South End Neighborhood Revitalization Zone negotiated an alternative with the City and CT DOT that kept the historic building and retained on-street parking.
 Roxbury Methodist Parsonage (c1875)2 A modest singlefamily dwelling expressing Yankee values of temperance and piety that conveys an authentic sense of life in rural Stamford before the automobile era. The loss of the adjacent Methodist church to fire in 1997 left the parsonage in good condition but vulnerable to tear-down on the large site.  HNP assisted Juner Realty at Finch’s Corner to relocate and adapt the house for office use under Section 7.3 (Historic Density Bonus) of the zoning code.
Andrew Dogherty House (1770)3 The Colonial-era centerchimney, timberframed house was built by a veteran of the French and Indian War and American Revolution, and perhaps Stamford’s earliest Irish American citizen. Threatened by redevelopment, HNP requested a demolition delay to discuss alternatives with the developer.  The developer ignored our overture and the City “overlooked” our delay request. The building was demolished in October 2013.
 The “Farmhouse” (c1890)5 The small gable-ell house at 108 Seaside Avenue is all that remains of a large estate, surviving the mansion and open grounds where its first occupants worked, reminding us of the late nineteenthcentury land use patterns in the Cove neighborhood.  HNP assisted abutting property owners and members of the Cove Neighborhood Association to negotiate preserving the neighborhood landmark and reducing the size of a proposed redevelopment under section 7.3 of zoning.
Bedford Hall (c1907)4 Built as a singlefamily home for a prominent local attorney, the house was frequented by generations of Stamfordites as it changed use to a fashionable inn, colorful restaurant, funeral home and  professional offices. Stamford bid farewell to many of its residents, including Benny Goodman, from this place. The endlessly adaptable landmark building was demolished in May, 2014, after the developer, F.D.Rich, refused to discuss any reasonable alternatives suggested by HNP, obtained zoning approval over HNP’s strenuous protest, and waited us out in seeking a judgment in court.
S. Post Office (1906, 1939)6 An exceptionally fine example of a Federal public building built from a confidant era, our post office was also a place of significant technological innovations in mail handling resulting from Pitney Bowes’ presence nearby in the South End. Plans filed in 2014 to redevelop the parcels north and west of the post office called for demolishing  the architecturally distinguished 1939 rear addition.  HNP negotiated an alternative with the developer which was approved by the zoning board.

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